Our History

Following the brutal civil conflict in Sierra Leone, our team established the Movement for Youth and Children’s Rights Organisation (MYCRO) MYCRO to assist with reversing the years of war into peace and development. MYCRO specializes in youth advocacy, peace education, nonviolent communication, feeding programs, medical, youth entrepreneurial, and life skills development programs in Africa.

We raise the next generation of youth to be more educated, peaceful, developmental, interconnected, and interdependent for a better world.

“Our vision is to raise up the next generation of youth who are more educated, peaceful, developmental, interconnected and interdependent for a better world.”

Our Mission

Upholding child rights and youth empowerment for sustainable development recreate and nurture young people’s minds and abilities empowering them to be responsible citizens.

In Africa, our mission is to give the children and youth of Africa the opportunity for a healthy,  thriving life by providing educational opportunities, basic needs of clothing and food, water and sanitation, health and surgical assistance, child rights, youth empowerment/development, impact women, student forum initiative and peace/nonviolence education.

We are guided by every thought, task, and every step we take is about forwarding the development of the children and young people in our global village

  • Advocate for vulnerable youth, women, and children with a primary focus in Sierra Leone and West Africa.
  • Inform and educate the general public on children’s rights, youth empowerment, women’s rights, and corresponding responsibilities.
  • Address issues of unskilled labor among youth and women.
  • Create awareness of HIV/AIDS, Hepatitis B, Drug Abuse, and other terminal diseases and unhealthy practices among young people.
  • Improve youth and child learning materials and facilities.
  • Promote rights to water and sanitation for all.
  • Promote a culture of peace and nonviolence in society.
  • Promote efforts to end hunger and poverty

Commitment: We are committed to transparency and to the development of people to make a positive contribution to their community.

Interconnectedness:  We are an interdependent community of partners through unity and concerted efforts breaking through barriers to accomplish our mission.

In-Service: Our approach is immersion of our students in an environment that expedites their learning experience by giving them hands-on access to the tools of their trade.

Accountability: We are responsible for ethical use of our funding and resources to efficiently achieve our mission, with accountability to both our partners and those we serve.

Ambition: As a non-profit organization, we require the best of ourselves, and are committed to improving the quality of everything we do.

Collaboration: We value human diversity, each bringing unique perspectives, approaches, and skills.

Creativity: We embrace nontraditional thoughts and approaches to solve the challenges our organization encounters.

Integrity: We are committed to embrace a good standard of honesty and interrelations; we do not compromise our respect and reputation.