Education for all Dreams

Formed to address the educational challenges in communities where many children and youth are yet to acquire an education. We believe that education is paramount for children, youth, and women to attain their dreams and aspirations. While the government has instituted free quality education to help offset this challenge, the country still lacks the full capacity to reach out to all resource-constrained locations across the country.

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Initiative for Safer Health

Safer Health program assists the most vulnerable as many children and women lack effective health facilities.  Many parents and children die unnecessarily from common illnesses that can be cured, such as Malaria, Typhoid, and malnutrition. Therefore, we instituted this initiative through local partners and volunteers; doctors and nurses who love to give back to society.

Nonviolence Communication

In 2010, when the Founder returned from the International Intensive Training in Nonviolent communication in Albuquerque, NM, USA, he started the Nonviolent Communication Project. As part of the project, MYCRO established the Center for Nonviolent Communication. The project focuses on peace education, peace dialogue, nonviolent school clubs, and empathic communication training for communities.

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Child Rights

It is clear that Child Rights are fundamental freedoms and the inherent rights of all human beings below the age of 18. MYCRO strongly believes that these rights apply to every child, irrespective of the child’s background, parent’s / legal guardian’s race, color, sex, creed, or another status. The importance of this is the equality of opportunity.  Girls should be given the same opportunities as boys. Children all over the world must be/should have the same human rights and should be given the same chance to enjoy an adequate standard of living.

Water & Sanitation

Poor water and sanitation threaten the lives of many communities affecting women and children the most.  “Water and Sanitation is a cornerstone of public health,” said WHO Director-General Dr. Margaret Chan. “Improved sanitation contributes enormously to human health and well-being, especially for girls and women. We know that simple, achievable interventions can reduce the risk of contracting diarrheal disease by a third.”

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Impact Women

Impact Women Initiative supports vulnerable women by empowering young and aged women to become responsible and productive citizens through our empowerment programs.  MYCRO programs include bead making, soap making, health talk, adult education, and business development skills.  The unit is established to help redress the alarming issues affecting women in Sierra Leone – the issue of rape, sexual assault, abuse, neglect, teenage pregnancy, HIV/AIDs, and prostitution are at the highest level within the society.

Creative Innovation Project – Covid-19 Youth Prevention Program

When Covid-19 started from China to the world, the world Health organization (WHO) quickly introduce preventive measures to save lives. In Sierra Leone, Veronica Bucket was made public as one of the tools used to prevent cross-contamination. With time, we began to realize that this prevention tool doesn’t properly prevent.


Youth & The Police Project

Realizing the importance of Peace and national development as one of the steps to attain the United Nations sustainable development goals (SDG’s) on Peace and Security, the Movement for youth and Children’s Rights Organization (MYCRO) thought it fit to establish the youth and the Police (YTP project) to help build the Sierra Leone we want, to create a deeper connection within communities and the Police force for peace and development.

Garden of Hope Training Centre

The MYCRO Garden of Hope Training Centre in Grafton, Freetown, Sierra Leone, is a Youth development Centre training and empowering young people to be self-reliant and self-sustainable. We strive to contribute to changing the lives of young people in Sierra Leone. Demographic segregation of the African population indicates that youths form the largest segment of the population in Africa.

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The Journey With Baby Richmond Koroma

As part of our organization’s mandate, we work to support children whose lives faced life-threatening challenges. In waterloo town, Western Area Rural District, we came across the Late Madam Margaret Vandy, who presented us a story about Richmond. She went to a village called Ribbin in Moyamba district to visit a friend, whiles in this village; she thought of walking down the river, whiles on her way, she had a voice of a child in the bush.

Girls Excellent Movement – (GEM Project)

The Girls Excellence Movement (Gem project) is the solid drive to spot teenagers facing horrific and unbearable conditions in homes, schools, communities, and religious places of worship. Their lives matter and their successful future brightens the next generation to come, so we must support and protect it.

We identify the most vulnerable and deprived of normal and disabled girls, we provide them the platform to share their stories and foster hope through education, medical support, and skills they need to become self-reliant and self-sustainable.


MYCRO Sierra Leone Foodbank Project

MYCRO Sierra Leone Food Bank is a project, established to help address the challenges of Hunger and Poverty in Sierra Leone. The idea came into existence through a partnership between the Movement for Youth and Children’s Rights organization in Sierra Leone, the Food Banking Regional Network in UAE, and the Egyptian Food Bank. MYCRO Sierra Leone Food Bank Project was founded in 2017, by the MYCRO with guiding support from the Food Banking Regional Network.

Sustainable Society Using ICT

MYCRO works to train teenagers and youth to use computers and navigate the internet – the fastest global means of communication and countless possibilities – connecting them to the global world through the power of the internet. Training youth to use information communication technology as a tool to bring sustainable development. Our training increases the opportunities for youth to attain IT and multi-media-related employment.

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Drug Abuse, Intervention, Prevention and Reintegration Program

In Sierra Leone, a nation marked by a youthful population, the issue of drug abuse among the youth has emerged as a pressing concern. Our organization, the Movement for Youth and Children’s Rights organization has delved into the profound impact of drugs on the future of Sierra Leonean youth through our community research in the Western Area of Sierra Leone.